Sunday, March 28, 2010

Basket of Roses

Kali ini..saya kongsikan hasil gubahan bunga sulaman riben dalam bakul pula.12 kuntum kesemuanya. Apa makna untuk 12 kuntum bunga yer?Bunga ros kobis ni..bunga yang paling saya suka buat .Jika lihat dari yang lepas2 saya banyak guna bunga ni.

Pening memikirkan susun atur bunga, buat saya terfikir nak masuk kelas flower arrangement pula! Bila mencari2 info..wah! mahal yer..mencecah ribuan ringgit! Paling murah kelas basic RM600...hmmm tak apalah...bukan nak buka kedai bunga pun! Rasanya..jika nak cari idea renung2 saja gubahan bunga segar dari online florist yang sememangnya banyak di internet ni.

My favourites angle -bunga separuh kembang warna pink lembut

Sekian untuk hari ini. Have a great weekend everyone!

Cushion Cover 16" x 16"
Collections: Basket of Roses

In Bloom: Season 1

Hari ini saya kongsikan gambar kusyen hiasan yang telah siap dari posting 'In Bloom'. Saya letak nombor ikut 'season' .Kini, saya sedang jahit sarung kusyen untuk tema 'In Bloom Season 2', dengan design yang berbeza.

Cushion Cover
Collection: In Bloom
Size: 16" x 16"

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pouch : Flowers In A Vase

Today I would like to share my first black linen pouch..I must say that i'm happy with the outcome..and this is also the first time i'm using the black fabric.

I used 3 different colours for that 1/2 inch folded roses.The light pink folded rose looks white in the picture. I added light purple ribbon stich flowers and some yellow french knot buds to fill up the vase. While the brown vase was made of felt fabric.
And a closer look to the design..

Friday, March 19, 2010

In bloom

Still working hard, trying to improve my ribbon embroidery skill..I managed to complete a pair of cushion cover last week..

Lihat 2 gambar ni..nampak lighting yang berbeza sebab 2 cushion cover ni saya shoot pada waktu berbeza..nnati saya upload gambar sarung kusyen yang dah siapnyer

Ayu & Zul

Ribbon Roses: Advanced Technique

ribbon rose

cushion cover

My Sweetie No 2

cushion cover

I made this cushion cover as a gift to my friend, Yatt end of last year. It took me two weeks to complete it.I posted this cushion cover and she received it just few hours before she return back to Finland. I'm glad that she loves the design

cushion cover

My Earthy Flowers

I made this cushion cover on April last year. This is my favourites colours combination . I adapted the design from my ribbon embroidery guru, Puan Ann @ Art of Needlework. The fabric has silver lines and looks gorgeous ..i think the fabric and the design well combined.This piece sits proudly on my living room .

Thursday, March 18, 2010


P6225814, originally uploaded by zaliana.

Ribbon embroidery on 16x16 " cushion cover


hydrangae, originally uploaded by zaliana.

Pink hydrangea using 1" satin ribbon.

Cookie Canisters

canister 2, originally uploaded by zaliana.

Folded ribbon roses on cookie canister

Bunga-bunga senja

16" x 16" cushion cover